Symbiotic Behavior

There are a lot of needs and aspirations that we humans have to fulfil in order to thrive. How can we fulfill more efficient our needs? Though humans have all the same basic needs (see levels 1-4), we can be very different in our ways to fulfill our needs. Unfortunately, we tend to fulfill our […]

Voluntary Simplicity

Voluntary Simplicity is a new concept, but it expresses an ageless lifestyle. One in which priority is what is natural to be a priority: building a life based on personal development, autonomy, authentic self-expression, healthy relations and a sustainable economy. Voluntary simplicity does not, however, means living in poverty, becoming an ascetic monk or indiscriminately […]

A meaningful way to live

I wish to say a few words on why we might want to adopt Voluntary Simplicity; why we might want to step out of the race and begin shaping a simple life of our own. Consumer culture can distract us from what is best in our lives. It keeps many of us locked in a […]

Building Autonomy in our lives

Voluntary Simplicity does not mean indiscriminately renouncing all the advantages of science and technology. It does not mean living in a cave, giving up electricity, rejecting modern medicine and modern ways to communicate. But it does question the assumption that more expansive goods are the only paths to health, happiness and freedom. To live simply […]

About fairness and friendship

Voluntary Simplicity is related with fairness and friendship. Co-living movement, co-op movement, commons movement eco-village movement – are all related to friendship and healthy human relations. The idea behind them is simple: collaboration and partnership could be a more appropriate strategy for a better life. Voluntary Simplicity is about living and working in a meaningful, […]

Homo Empathicus

Voluntary Simplicity is a moral choice. It is important to recognize that there are many social reasons for adopting voluntary simplicity. Living simply can be a lifestyle response to social injustices. Many people are drawn to simplicity because they feel this is an act of human solidarity. It can foster a heightened sense of human […]

Embracing Voluntary Simplicity

Something not valued in Orange society, but which started to be praised by Green and Yellow mentality is Voluntary Simplicity. It is in mutual consistency with all Universe-centered values. Voluntary Simplicity was, basically, about to decrease your level of consumption in order to increase your level of living. Consuming less, you need to work less […]

Voluntary Simplicity and Empathy

As well as personal and social reasons for choosing Voluntary Simplicity, there are environmental reasons. It is becoming increasingly obvious that a lifestyle of reduced consumption will be a necessary part of any sustainable human civilization. Given what is at stake in our challenge as a species — the health of our Planet — this […]

“Spiral Dynamics” and “the 4 Frontiers” frames

Crafting a map to make sense of the world. I wanted to understand how humanity evolved until now and what could be our next step further. Allured by this quest, I read many books. I have found the Spiral Dynamics frame very useful for mapping the human individual and social evolution. Using my knowledge related […]

2. Spiritual Intelligence

We are connected with the Universe in a special way. Danah Zohar calls it Spiritual Intelligence. SQ is our most fundamental intelligence. It is what we use to develop our capacity for meaning, vision and value. It allows us to have dreams and to strive to accomplish them. It underlies the things we believe in […]